Newest Free Stories

Free Shemale Dating Site The Place Where I Want To Spend My Life
Browsing through all payed porn services left my wallet thin, so I went for free shemale dating site option. When my boss noticed that I was paying less attention to work and more attention to Shemales, he fired me without any notice. I was hit hard with the economic crisis - the bank sell my hou... Read full Story
Worry Free Shemales Dating Can happen To You Too
"There is no such a thing as an attractive tranny" was one of my lifetime mantras. Growing up in Bay Area, it was easy for me to spot and recognize all of those masculine bodies dressed in female clothes. Their huge feet in high heels looked as a combination form hell. Free shemales dating... Read full Story
Nude She Male Pics At The Porn Company
I was nervous - the people from porn company haven't called me yet, and it was almost a week since I sent the nude she male pics. I'm a pretty attractive shemale - short girl with big ass, decent tits and long dark hair, and a cock which would make any man green with envy - and I really hoped that s... Read full Story
Lay.. BJ Report #3
Lay Report #3 Real TS Encounters Lay Report (BJ Report) #3 Hey, So this is my 3rd official “Encounter Report” lets just say. This was early Saturday morning June 25th, 2016. Unfortunately, this report will not be that interesting/informative. I am writing it just because it did happe... Read full Story
If only...
I've been fantasising about your hard cock again. I want to meet you, take you somewhere quiet so that I can get my hands on your hot shaft. I want to push you against the wall, look into your eyes as I unbuckle your belt, unbutton your trousers and slowly slide the zip down. Put my hands onto ... Read full Story
How I Got Lucky Through She Male Personals Sites
For as long as I can remember, I have loved shemales. Trying to explain to people exactly what it is about shemales that I love is actually a lot more difficult than it should be, because it's almost as if I'm trying to make other people understand rather than just telling them what it is that I lik... Read full Story
Lap Dance For Cash
I had a next door neighbor that loved doing favors for me with the hope that I would return his favors with my affection. He was an older, fat, and someone I would ever deal with but desperate times call for desperate measures. I walked over to his apartment that was next to mine and knocked on t... Read full Story
My First Cock
Im just your ordinary guy, night and day watch on this site when im horny. Still havent understood my fascination for this site but im here everyday for the last 4 years. Within that time i have slowly had urges to buy stuff so i bought butt plugs vibrators just to get so i knew who it actually f... Read full Story
Lay Report #2
Real TS Encounters Lay Report #2 6/12/2016 Hey, what’s up! So I’m writing to you on Sunday afternoon. I had another TS Encounter last night, well early morning really. This girl I also met off Craigslist. As usual I’ll try to weave some information/teaching into the story which will hopeful... Read full Story
Choosing From Shemale Pics Gallery
"You into shemales?", asked the man in Amsterdam's Red Light district, "We have everything in De Wallen, just ask", he continued to promote his girls, "Maybe the gentleman would like to watch some shemale pics gallery before making a decision?" And I thought - why not. ... Read full Story